Atlantic Custom Containers' experience provides expertise in a multitude
of services and assists clients every step of the way from concept
through completion, whether the client is a large corporation or a new
start up.
Packaging Design Consulting
Helping the
client understand the concepts and issues involved in designing and the
manufacturing process. Planning to reduce the client's costs, maximize
future cash flow, and obtain the best pricing possible. Providing
information and advice to enhance the client's product.
General contracting and management
Value engineering to reduce costs while maintaining quality and utility.
Quality management maintains control over every aspect of the job while ensuring the project stays on or ahead of schedule.
Quality construction is assured by an internal check and balance
system that simultaneously controls costs and maintains the schedule
while upholding high quality standards.
Packaging Design-build
About 95% of our projects are
delivered utilizing the design-build method. This method has the A.C.C.
Designer in the lead of engineering and manufacturing for your product,
overseeing the budget and scheduling of manufacturing and delivery.
ACC offers intelligent solutions to Package Protection
products are utilized in such diverse markets as electronics, medical,
high tech, furniture, and military thus providing protection from shock,
vibration, water and other hazards during shipping. Atlantic Custom
Containers believes that a good package design porvides sufficient
protection to prevent or minimize the effects of corrosion, temperature
extremes, and chemical attack to the protected product. We are packaging
experts who can solve any problem in packaging, large or small.
design of protective packaging involves many considerations. Under
designing can result in excessive breakage. Over designing can result in
high costs that are not justified by the value of the article.
Custom Containers Corporation's engineering staff monitors the amount
of material to the article being careful to determine the optimum amount
of cushioning required for adequate protection, and at the same time,
keeping the cost at a minimum. The end result is an economically sound,
engineered package designed around your article.
Atlantic Custom Containers Corp. 1143 Executive Circle, Suite G Cary, NC 27513 919-949-0928 336-437-9811 Fax: (336) 437-9854